Community Trails member wanted - Trails Strategy Group
- Published: May 15, 2023
Are you deeply passionate about Trails in Nova Scotia? The Trails Strategy Coordinating Group (TSCG) is looking for a wise and collaborative community trails person to join the team! The TSCG is a team of 14 designates from across the sector that meet monthly and help guide the implementation of the Shared Trails Strategy (STS).
They are a collaboration of wise elders, provincial trails users, government departments, municipal staff, First Nations, and members from the community. Together, they learn from each other, discover different approaches, share resources, and build momentum around the STS.
Key priorities include crafting a trail etiquette campaign, streamlining funding processes, guiding a provincial trails impact study, and developing a central provincial trails database. We are also examining what regional trails coordination/support could look like, and how we can be more inclusive in sharing our trails for all.
Helpful Qualifications include:
● Knowledge of the trails community in Nova Scotia.
● Understanding of the Shared Trails Strategy in Nova Scotia and its strategic directions.
● A commitment of time - a couple hours per month for up to a 3 year term.
● Openness/ willingness to work in a collaborative, trust building environment.
● Experience with community trail development models and/or values.
● Experience in climate change impacts and/or health and well-being from outdoor pursuits.
How to express interest? Please send a brief one-pager on why this resonates with you and how your role could help the TSCG team. A resume would also be helpful. Feel free to send these to: with TSCG Community Member in the subject heading. The TSCG is a fairly new approach to leading and supporting change in the trails community. So, feel free to reach out to Paul Shakotko, our Project Manager, if you have questions:
Deadline to express interest: June 9th, 2023
Additional information can be found on the NS Trails Website.
Current Town of Oxford Transfer Station Hours
- Published: May 12, 2023
Please be advised, the current town of Oxford Transfer Station Hours are as follows:
Thursday's - 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Friday's - 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
Saturday's - 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM
The Oxford Transfer Station is NOT OPEN Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Surveillance is in place
**IMPORTANT** For a Sorting Guide, Acceptable Bags and information on where to take items that are not permitted at the Transfer Site, please visit the Cumberland Joint Services Management Authority Webpage:
Water Street Water Leak this morning
- Published: May 11, 2023
Update from Public Works: May 12, 2023: 8:00 AM - Public Works is currently waiting for Natural Gas to come and mark out the line. Once completed, water will be turned off off on Waverly Street and Water Street. This will effect Waverly and Water streets and surrounding areas. At this time we are unsure of a ETA. Water St be closed from the old Esso to 4 season and a detour will be in place, please follow traffic signs.
There is a subtaintial water leak on Water Street by the 4 Season's Manor and investigation and repairs are underway.
Please use caution in this area. **Water street is effectively closed from Main Street corner**. Please refrain from using Water Street unless for local access to stores. The road is blocked off at 4 Season's Manor.
Community Solar Update May 2023
- Published: May 8, 2023
Nova Scotia's proposed community Solar Program:
pdf Community solar update May 2023 (397 KB)
Under the proposed community solar program in Nova Scotia.
Project owners can apply to the province to build a community solar garden between1MW* to 10MW**
Project owners construct, generate and operate thecommunity solar garden.
Generated solar energy is sold to Nova Scotia Power Incorporated (NSPI) under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
NSPI sells thesolar energy to subscribers.
Project owners continue to engage subscribers and provide support with subscription management.
Whether you are interested as a project owner or subscriber, we encourage you to research community solar gardensandother options such as commercial net-metering andthe Greenchoiceprogram
Town Cleanup - Office closed 11:00 AM to Noon April 28, 2023
- Published: April 28, 2023
The Town Office will be closed this morning from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon to take part in the Community Wide Cleanup - Earth Day Celebrations.
Reminder - Transfer Site Opens at 11 AM today to 7 PM
- Published: April 27, 2023
Just a reminder that our summer hours for the transfer station start today with the transfer station open today from 11 AM to 7 PM, regular hours for Friday and Saturday (8:30 AM - 4:30 AM)
Notice of properties removed from the Tax Sale
- Published: April 25, 2023
Town of Oxford Tax Sale Update:
Please be advised that the following properties have been removed from the Tax Sale scheduled for Thursday May 4, 2023 at 10:00 AM
For further information on the Tax Sale and list of currently available properties for the tax sale, please visit the Town of Oxford Website:
AAN | PID | Assessed Owner | Description |
02786338 | 25207036 | Mary Cecilia & Carmen MacIntosh | 31 Duke St, Oxford Land Dwelling |
04415612 | 25207267 | Mustafa Mohamad | 63 Elm St, Oxford Land Dwelling |
00048666 | 25207309 | Bary Wayne Parris | 14 Eureka St, Oxford Land Dwelling |
New Water Meters - appointments being sought
- Published: April 25, 2023
Donald Patterson will be out and about in Oxford handing out requests for appointment to install a new water meter at your home if deemed broken or in need of one.
If you find one or see him please make an appointment with him to install a new meter.