Reminder of the Household Hazardous Waste Event Saturday!
- Published: June 21, 2023
Reminder for the upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Event this Saturday from 1:00 - 2:00 in Oxford.
Water and Foundry Street - patching & pylon removal
- Published: June 19, 2023
Message from Public Works:
The pylons on the corner of Water and Foundry Street will remain in place until the water break patch is safe to drive on, due to the wet weather it has made this process longer then usual. Once the patch is safe, the pylons and barricades will be removed.
Thompson Road Water repair today starting at 8:30 AM
- Published: June 14, 2023
Update at 12:10 PM - due to the heavy rain and thunderstorm that passed through, the repairs will take longer than expected.
Notice from Public Works:
The Oxford public works team will be repairing a water break on Thompson road starting at 8:30 AM today, Wednesday June 14, 2023
Below are the areas that may experience water interruptions throughout the day:
- Thompson Road
- Pleasant Street
- Stanley Street
- Surrounding areas possibly
Traffic signs will be in place, please use caution in this area.
Water repair on Waverly St. June 13, 2023 start at 7:30am
- Published: June 12, 2023
Update as of 12:40 PM Tuesday June 13, 2023 - The leak has been located and a new piece of pipe will need to be installed.
Message from public works:
Tomorrow, Tuesday June 13, 2023, the Oxford public works team will be repairing a water leak on Waverly Street starting at 7:30 AM.
A detrour will be setup at the end of Ellis Street and Prince William Street. Please follow all signage.
Areas that will have water service interruptions are as follows:
Waverly Street
Prince William Street
Ellis Street
River Avenue
Duke Street
Water Street
Jackson Street
Smith Street
James Street
**There maybe surrounding streets affected that are not listed.
We thank everyone for their attention, patience and understanding.
Town Hall Flower beds look great!
- Published: June 8, 2023
Thank you once again this year for donating your time and efforts into making our flower beds out front of the Town Hall look amazing Al and Maxine M Dobson Clarke.
They will be very colourful when the sun comes back out and helps the flowers bloom!
Thank you for all of your time and energy. It certainly doesn't go unnoticed.
A big THANK YOU from Oxford public works!
- Published: June 8, 2023
A BIG THANK YOU from Town of Oxford public works department team!
Nick, Dave, Justin and Trueman would like to thank all of the residents for your patience and understanding in the process to repair the Water St. main yesterday.
A special thank you to those who dropped off coffee, ordered us supper and just simply checked in to see how we were doing.
It certainly made a difficult day that much easer and we greatly appreciate it!
Dual Stream recycling reminder
- Published: June 6, 2023
Recycling Note: A friendly reminder that all recyclables must be sorted into two transpartent blue or clear non-coloured bags for collection.
PCC Activation Wildfire Evac SitRep #22 - 0830 Hrs - UPDATE
- Published: June 5, 2023
Please see the following update from the Emergency Management Office (EMO) for Cumberland County:
Activities that are now permitted include hiking, camping, fishing and the use of vehicles in the woods, except Shelburne County. The provincewide burn ban is still in place. The fine for violating the ban is $25,000