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Notice of Second Reading of the Cross Connection Control Bylaw

Notice of Second Reading of the Cross Connection Control Bylaw

TAKE NOTICE THAT Council of the Town of Oxford intends to consider the adoption (second reading) of the Cross Connection Control Bylaw at a Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 6:00 pm. The Council meeting will be held at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS. The Council Meeting will also be virtual using the Zoom platform and will be broadcast live on Facebook.

The purpose of this bylaw is to establish regulations to ensure provisions for the elimination and prevention of cross connections between potable water and any non-potable sources in the Town of Oxford.

Written submissions with any questions, concerns, or comments will be considered at the time of the reading by emailing

Persons wishing to make a presentation verbally may do so at the Council meeting on March 26, 2025, and must pre-register with the Chief Administrative Officer by 3:30 pm on March 21, 2025.

The Bylaw may be inspected during Town Hall regular office hours 9 am – 4 pm at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS, or by visiting the Town’s website:  pdf Cross Connection Control Bylaw (273 KB)


DATED at Oxford, Nova Scotia, this 11th day of March 2025

Linda Cloney
Chief Administrative Officer




Town Hall Closed at 2:00 PM Thursday for Staff Training

Staff Training


The Oxford Town Hall will be closed Thursday, March 6, 2025, at 2:00 PM for the remainder of the day for staff training.

Normal office hours will resume on Friday, March 7, 2025.


A Message About Flushing


Do Not Flush:

  • Baby wipes, diapers or cloths
  • Cotton swabs and dental floss
  • Sanitary products, wipes or wraps
  • Paper Towel
  • Cat litter
  • Bacon grease or oils
  • Pill bottles or small containers


What goes down the drain matters. Blocked sewage pumps, filters, and lines lead to more costs for all of us. Now more than ever we need to work together!


Water repair Pugwash Road now Thurs March 6, 2025 at 8:30 AM

**UPDATE** - The Water leak has been repaired and the water services have been restored.  Thank you for your patience!**
The public works team will be repairing a water leak on Pugwash Road starting at 830 AM tomorrow morning, Thursday, March 6, 2025.
*This had to be postponed from Wednesday due to staff shortages*
The following areas should expect water service interruptions throughout the day:
  • Pugwash Road
  • Peel Street
  • Horton Street
  • New Hansford Road
Traffic signs will be in place please use caution in the area.

Office closed today from 2:00 - 3:00 PM

Staff Appreciation Day!


The Town Hall office will be closed today between 2:00 and 3:00 PM for Staff Appreciation Day. 

We will re-open again at 3:00 PM.

Town of Oxford Welcomes Marion Abbott as MPAL

📣 We are pleased to introduce our new MPAL (Municipal Physical Activity Leader), Marion Abbott!
Marion Abbott
🏠 Marion and her husband Giancarlo moved to our town last summer and have been volunteering with town events and the food bank. They are both artists (Marion, musical theatre/pianist, Giancarlo, visual artists/painter) and they love being East Coasters. 💕
🤓 Marion brings a wealth of experience in leadership, venue management, events planning/co-ordination and working with students of all ages.
🤩 She is excited to take on the challenge of this position and is busily working to acquaint herself with all facets of the role.
🏰 Marion's hero is Walt Disney and she would live in Walt Disney World if that were possible. ✨
😊 Welcome Marion!

Support options in Cumberland County

211 Supports

Red Dirt Skinners Live in Concert
