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*Postponed* - to be rescheduled - Watermain Leak Repair

** This will be postponed for today and rescheduled **


Message from Public Works:

The Oxford Public Works team will be repairing a water main leak on Pugwash Road starting at 8:00 AM on December 6, 2024.

Traffic signs will be posted. Please use caution in the area. A timeline for this repair is unknown at this time

The start time may be altered due to weather and salting needs.

Areas that should expect water service interruptions are as follows:

  • Pugwash Road
  • Thompson Road
  • Peel Street
  • Powell Street
  • New Hansford Road
  • Horton Street
  • and surrounding areas


Free Information Session: The Legacy of Trauma

Free Information Session: The Legacy of Trauma

When: Thursday, December 12, 2:00 pm

Where: Oxford Seniors Club, 31 Ellis Street, Oxford, NS

Open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the symptoms, the mechanics and the potential for healing the effects of PTSD, developmental trauma and intergenerational trauma.

The effects of trauma can deeply affect not only the survivors of traumatic events and situations but also the lives of those who are close to them. But those effects also tell us the story of how the person survived and the pathway they took to remain as safe and sane as possible in adverse circumstances.

This information session is intended to explain symptoms, the logic of behaviors when someone is triggered and the method of healing that has emerged over the last fifty years of research and treatment efforts.

This discussion is based on the work of Janina Fisher who has organized the work of some of the world’s leading experts in the field including Judith Herman, Bessel van der Kolk and Pat Ogden as well as approaches such as Internal Family Systems and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, into a coherent approach to healing the legacy of trauma.

Mary Ellen Stevenson is a Psychotherapist who has been practicing since 1997 in both Toronto and Nova Scotia. She is a candidate for certification in the Treatment of Complex Trauma through PESI. She lives in Oxford and can be reached at 902-397-2717.

Town Hall closed for lunch today December 2, 2024 12 - 1 PM

The Town Office will be closed today, December 2, 2024, from 12:00 - 1:00 PM due to staffing. We will re-open again at 1:00 PM.
Thank you.
 Closed for Lunch 12 1

Large Tree Removal on Handel Street Today (Dec 2, 2024)


Message from Oxford Public Works:


The Woodpecker Tree Removal company will be removing a large tree on Handel Street today.

Please use caution in the area.

Employment Opportunity - MPAL

Municipal Physical Activity Leader (MPAL)

In partnership with the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage (CCTH), the Town of Oxford has created the position of Municipal Physical Activity Leader (MPAL) to facilitate improvements in community physical activity.

The MPAL employee will be responsible for implementing, evaluating, and revising the Town of Oxford’s Physical Activity and Recreation Strategic Plan as necessary. The MPAL employee will also work closely with municipal committees, municipal departments, and various other community, and regional partners.

The preferred candidate will have a university/college degree in Recreation/Community Development; and at least three years’ relevant community work experience; OR an equivalent combination of education and experience. Previous experience with community development and program administration in a municipal setting will be an asset.

Further information and/or a copy of the job description for this position is available on our website (  pdf Municipal Physical Activity Leader Job Description (209 KB) ) or upon request.

Applicants are to submit a cover letter and resume outlining their qualifications. Electronic submissions must be combined into a single file. Applications will be accepted until 3:30 pm on Wednesday, December 18, 2024. This position is available starting January 2025.  The salary range is $36,400 - $41,860 annually, depending on experience and education.

We appreciate all expressions of interest for this position; however, only those applicants receiving an interview will be contacted.

Linda Cloney, CAO

Town of Oxford

PO Box 338, 105 Lower Main Street

Oxford, NS   B0M 1P0


Office closed from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm Nov 27 & 28

The Town Office will be closed today and tomorrow from 12:00 - 1:00 PM due to staffing. We will re-open again at 1:00 PM.
Thank you.
Closed for Lunch 12 1

PHAC’s School Health Grant OPEN for Youth until Dec 20, 2024

We are excited to share that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has informed us that they are now accepting applications for the School Health Grant for Youth! Applications that meet all eligibility criteria set out in the Youth Grant Applicant Guide will be approved on a first-come first-served basis until December 20, 2024, at 11:59 AM EST, or until funds are fully expended (whichever comes first)!  

If you are a Canadian student aged 16 to 19 enrolled in secondary or post-secondary school, you can apply for a $1000 grant. This grant is for creating a project that encourages healthy living, and must take place in a school-setting, aligning with health promotion goals. This grant program encourages youth to put their ideas into action while giving back to their school with a focus on one of the following priority areas: reducing substance-related harms, positive mental health and well-being, healthy eating and nutrition or physical activity.   


For additional information, please visit PHAC’s School Health Grant for Youth webpage. To request an Application Form please reach out to PHAC directly via email at    

Wishing you the best in your grant application process!  



Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) nous a informés qu’elle accepte désormais les demandes pour la Subvention de santé scolaire pour les jeunes! Les demandes qui répondent à tous les critères d’admissibilité énoncés dans le Guide du demandeur de subvention de santé scolaire pour les jeunes seront approuvées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi jusqu’au 20décembre2024, à 11h59 (HNE), ou jusqu’à ce que les fonds soient entièrement dépensés (selon la première éventualité).  

Si vous êtes un étudiant canadien âgé de 16 à 19 ans inscrit dans une école secondaire ou postsecondaire, vous pouvez demander une bourse de 1 000 dollars. Cette subvention est destinée à la création d’un projet qui encourage un mode de vie sain et qui doit se dérouler dans un cadre scolaire, conformément aux objectifs de promotion de la santé. Ce programme de subvention encourage les jeunes à mettre en application leurs idées, tout en rendant service à leur école dans les domaines prioritaires suivants : réduction des risques liés aux substances, amélioration de la santé mentale et du bien-être, saine alimentation et nutrition, ou activité physique.   


Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter la page Web de l’ASPC sur la Subvention de santé scolaire pour les jeunes. Pour demander un formulaire de demande, veuillez communiquez directement par courriel avec l’ASPC, à    

Nous vous souhaitons bonne chance dans votre processus de demande de subvention! 

Crossing Guard unavailable today, Nov 19/24

Please note that there will be no crosswalk services today, November 19, 2024.

The expectation was that there was to be a crossing guard in place for both morning and afternoon but, unfortunately, we do not have enough staff.
