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Vandalism at Town of Oxford Water Supply

September 18, 2024
Notice of vandalism
The Town is extremely disappointed to learn of the senseless act of vandalism committed last evening at the Town of Oxford wellfield in Mansfield.
This vandalism could have greatly impacted the delivery of water service to the residents and businesses in Oxford.
For the safety of the Town of Oxford’s water supply we will be installing more security measures.
We would like to thank the RCMP and our Public Work employees for reacting quickly when the vandalism was first noticed.
We urge all citizens to report any crimes like this immediately to the RCMP.

Paving on Foundry Street Today - Wednesday Sept 19, 2024

Wednesday September 18, 2024

Foundry Street is being paved today.

Traffic Control is in place.

Please use caution in the area.

Thank you.


Transfer of Municipal Property - 177 Lower Main Street

Town of Oxford


Public Hearing

Transfer of Municipal Property

TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Oxford will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, October 3, 2024 beginning at 5:30 pm in the Town Hall Council Chambers, 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS, during a Special Town Council Meeting.

AND TAKE NOTICE that the Public Hearing will be regarding a transfer of municipal property located at 177 Lower Main Street (PID number 25500943) to the Oxford Community Centre Association for the establishment of a Community Centre.  The appraised value of the property is $97,500.   It is proposed that the transfer of land be for a nominal $1.00.

AND TAKE NOTICE that the reason for this proposed transfer is the numerous benefits the Oxford Community Centre will bring to the Town. The purpose of the Community Centre is to promote community involvement, not just in relation to the Centre’s programming, but also by building relationships with and among people in the community. The Centre will foster a sense of belonging, provide educational opportunities, promote health and wellness, offer recreational activities, and support economic development. It will be a place where local people can come together, share resources, and work towards a common goal of building a stronger and more vibrant community. The Centre will be a gathering place where friendships and social networks are built. It will serve as a neutral ground where people of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses can meet, interact, and engage with each other.

Council will hear submissions in support or opposition to proposed transfer of land. Written submissions may be provided to the Chief Administrative Officer at 105 Lower Main Street, or by email to no later than Tuesday, October 1, 2024, at 4:00 pm.

For additional information please contact Linda Cloney, CAO at 902-447-2624 or by email at

DATED at Oxford, Nova Scotia, this 16th day of September 2024

pdf Notice of Public Hearing (131 KB)

Official Notice of Poll!

Thank you to all the candidates who came forward to take part in our Municipal Election.
More information about the upcoming election will be shared as the October 10, 2024 (Advance Polling Day) gets nearer.
It is now up to Town of Oxford Residents to vote for who you would like as members of the Oxford Town Council.
Notice of Pole Election 2024

Nomination Day Today!

Nomination Day!
Today (September 10) is the last day to apply to become a member of the Oxford Town Council. The office will accept papers till 5:00 PM.
If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Councillor or Mayor, please give us a call at 902-217-1227 to talk about the process.
~ "Each one of us can make a difference. Together we make change." - Barbara Mikulski
Nomination Day

Audit Committee Vacancy - Citizen Member Needed


Are You Interested in Becoming a Member on a Municipal Committee?

The Audit Committee is looking for a citizen member!

Financial background is required for this Committee, and you cannot be related to a member of council or to an employee of the municipality.

The Audit Committee provides advice to council on matters relating to audit and financial reporting and on matters relating to the financial sustainability of the Town of Oxford.

As a member of the Audit Committee, you will help to increase both the reliability and credibility of financial reporting, enhance the independence of external auditors, and influence the overall quality of financial reporting, risk management and ethical behaviours of the Town of Oxford.

Download the  pdf Audit Committee Terms of Reference Policy (126 KB) .

Please submit your letter of interest to Linda Cloney, CAO, Town of Oxford via the following options:

Phone: (902) 447-2624
Mail: Town of Oxford, ATTN: Linda Cloney, 105 Lower Main Street., Box 338., Oxford

ONLY 4 business days left to Nomination Day!

** ONLY 4 Business Days left to Nomination Day! **
There are 4 business days left to file nomination papers to become a candidate to run for a seat on the Oxford Town Council.
If you are interested in running, throw your hat in the ring, please reach out to our Returning Officer - Meenakshi at or 902-216-1227. She will be glad to set up a time to talk about how to become a candidate and what forms are required.
Please don't assume that there is enough people wanting to run as a candidate. Six seats for Council plus one seat for Mayor, traditionally, it has been hard to fill on the first call for nominations. If you are interested, please reach out! Don't wait till it's too late.
The time is now to become involved, it only comes around every 4 years.
Make a change become a councillor

Water Main Repair Waverly Street - September 5, 2024

Oxford Public Works will be repairing another water leak on Waverly Street tomorrow, September 5, 2024 starting approximately at 9:00 AM.

The following areas may experience water service interruptions:

- Waverly Street

- James Street

- Smith Street

- Duke Street

- and surrounding areas.


Traffic signs will be in place. Please use caution in the area.
