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Notice of Second Reading - Alternative Voting Bylaw 05-2024

Notice of Second Reading of the   pdf Alternative Voting Bylaw 05-2024 (174 KB)

TAKE NOTICE THAT Council of the Town of Oxford intends to consider the adoption (second reading) of the  pdf Alternative Voting Bylaw 05-2024 (174 KB) at a Special Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The Council meeting will be held at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS. The Council Meeting will also be virtual using the Zoom platform and will be broadcast live on Facebook.

The purpose of this bylaw is to give the Town of Oxford the option to enter alternative voting methods in future elections.

Written submissions with any questions, concerns or comments will be considered at the time of the reading by emailing

Persons wishing to make a presentation verbally may do so at the Council meeting on June 12, 2024 and must pre-register with the Chief Administrative Officer by 3:30 pm on June 7, 2024.

The Bylaw may be inspected during Town Hall regular office hours 9 am – 4 pm at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS, or by visiting the Town’s website:

DATED at Oxford, Nova Scotia, this 23rd day of May 2024
Linda Cloney Chief Administrative Officer

Notice of Second Reading - Road Trails Designation Bylaw

Notice of Second Reading of the  pdf Road Trails Designation Bylaw 05-2024-2 (50 KB)

TAKE NOTICE THAT Council of the Town of Oxford intends to consider the adoption (second reading) of the pdf Road Trails Designation Bylaw 05-2024-2 (50 KB)  at a Council Meeting to be held on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The Council meeting will be held at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS. The Council Meeting will also be virtual using the Zoom platform and will be broadcast live on Facebook.

The purpose of this bylaw is to designate part of a highway as road trail that is intended for off-highway vehicles (OHVs) that meet specific requirements.

Written submissions with any questions, concerns or comments will be considered at the time of the reading by emailing

Persons wishing to make a presentation verbally may do so at the Council meeting on June 27, 2024 and must pre-register with the Chief Administrative Officer by 3:30 pm on June 21, 2024.

The Bylaw may be inspected during Town Hall regular office hours 9 am – 4 pm at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS, or by visiting the Town’s website:

DATED at Oxford, Nova Scotia, this 23rd day of May 2024

Linda Cloney
Chief Administrative Officer


Communities Take Action During Access Awareness Week NS

Communities Take Action During Access Awareness Week Nova Scotia

From May 26 to June 1, communities across the province will commemorate 2024’s Access Awareness Week Nova Scotia (AAWNS) through silent discos, education sessions, scholarship presentations, film screenings and more under the theme “Communities For All: Taking Action on Access Awareness.”

For 37 years, Nova Scotians have come together during Access Awareness Week to bring attention to the importance of removing barriers for people with disabilities. Through public awareness, community partnerships, education and dialogue, Access Awareness Week aims to foster an environment of equitable participation for persons with disabilities.

AAWNS is coordinated annually by the Partnership for Access Awareness Nova Scotia  (PAANS) committee with representatives from community organizations, and municipal and provincial governments. PAANS is chaired by Sherry Costa Lorenz, Executive Director of the Nova Scotia League for Equal Opportunities (NSLEO) and engages partners in the planning of events and raising awareness, culminating with the annual week-long celebration of inclusion.

“Access Awareness Week demonstrates the power of collaboration and engagement as communities from around the province and representatives from across sectors come together with a single focus for the week, to raise awareness on accessibility and inclusion”, states Sherry Costa-Lorenz. 

Among the events taking place during AAWNS this year are:

  • Flag-raising and Provincial Proclamation at Province House
  • Halifax Regional Municipality Proclamation and the Mel Hebb Hourglass Action Awards Presentation
  • ‘Stumbling into Advocacy: Stories from Accidental Activist’ online panel 
  • Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Presentation and Luncheon
  • Human Rights on Screen Online Film Screening and Panel: Our Hearts Aren’t Disabled
  • Both in person and province-wide virtual Silent Disco Dance Party

Under Nova Scotia’s Accessibility Act municipalities are among those public bodies required to enact accessibility plans that guide commitments to inclusion and accessibility within their own organizations. Collaboration and coordination has been instrumental in raising awareness, knowledge and capacity among municipal accessibility leads. The last few years have seen greater numbers of municipalities celebrating AAWNS with proclamations, flag-raisings, and increasingly creative and fun public events.

The Association of Municipal Administrators of Nova Scotia (AMANS), through their Municipal Accessibility Support Program is partnering with the Nova Scotia Accessibility Directorate to co-host a pan-provincial Access Awareness Week Silent Disco to be experienced live and virtually. Silent Discos are popular worldwide as an inclusive, accessible event through music and movement, while building community through a shared playlist.

Municipalities applied to be hosts for this hybrid event with options to join in-person sites (headsets provided) and invitations for anyone to join through Zoom. Richmond County was selected to host the live DJ Silent Disco, with a pitch that included extensive outreach to community partners serving the disability community. The live DJ Silent Disco is to be held at an accessible, newly renovated venue of the Louisdale Lion’s Club with capacity for up to 100 participants for this event

"Our guiding hope for this event is to foster a welcoming, accessible space for all,” said Danielle Martell, Community Development & Special Project Officer for the Municipality of the County of Richmond. “Where music and technology unite to break barriers, raise awareness, celebrate, and create inclusive fun! By hosting this Silent Disco in a rural community, we foresee greater opportunities for other rural communities to host future accessibility events.”

Adding to the excitement, the Municipality of West Hants will be hosting a simultaneous dance party with live DJ in front of their newly acquired giant video screen. The Silent Disco will take place in-person and virtually Saturday, June 1 from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

For details of these events and more information about how you or your community can get involved in Access Awareness Week you can visit or by searching “Access Awareness Nova Scotia” online.

Notice of Public Hearing - Transfer of Municipal Property

Town of Oxford Notice of Public Hearing - Transfer of Municipal Property


pdf Notice of Public Hearing OSC June 12, 2024 (95 KB)

TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Oxford will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 beginning at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall Council Chambers, 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford, NS, during a Special Town Council Meeting.

AND TAKE NOTICE that the Public Hearing will be regarding a transfer of municipal properties associated with 31 Ellis Street to the Oxford Seniors Club. The estimated value of the property has been appraised in the $90,000 to $95,000 range.

AND TAKE NOTICE A condition will be applied to this transfer of municipal property that the Town of Oxford has the first right of refusal to buy the building back at the original purchased price and that the Oxford Seniors Club pays for all expenses involved with this transfer.

AND TAKE NOTICE the reason for this transfer is so the Oxford Seniors Club can continue using this building for their activities and to be able to seek funding to assist in making the necessary repairs and upgrades to meet the needs of their membership and to adhere to health and safety standards.

Council will hear submissions in support or opposition to the applications. Written submissions may be provided to the Chief Administrative Officer at 105 Lower Main Street, or by email to no later than Friday, June 7. 2024 at 4:00 pm.

For additional information please contact Linda Cloney, CAO at 902-447-2624 or by email at

DATED at Oxford, Nova Scotia, this May 21, 2024

Linda Cloney, CAO

Oxford Transfer Station Summer Hours Start May 23, 2024


Summer hours at the Oxford Transfer Station will start
Thursday, May 23, 2024.  Hours will be:

Thursday, May 23, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Friday, May 24, 2024, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday, May 25, 2023, from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

Autonomous School Board - Public Talk by Dick Henley

The Autonomous School Board - Nova Scotia's Contribution to Public Education in Canada

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Oxford Senior's Centre

31 Ellis Street., Oxford.

Doors Open at 6:00 PM.

Autonomous School Board

Plugged sewer line - Crescent Avenue May 21, 2024

Plugged Sewer Line - Crescent Ave.,
The Oxford Public Works team will be working on a plugged sewer line on Crescent Avenue that will require a vac truck from Moncton.
Work will begin roughly at 10:30 AM.
Traffic signage will be in place. Please use caution in this area.
Thank you.

May 17, 2024 Int. Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia


OF Oxford, NS

May 17, 2024

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

WHEREAS the Town of Oxford recognizes that no one can be discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression;

WHEREAS the Town of Oxford is a municipality open to everyone, including lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people (LGBTQ+) and to all other people who identify with sexual diversity and the multiplicity of gender identities and expressions;

WHEREAS, despite recent efforts towards greater inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, homophobia and transphobia are still present in society.

WHEREAS May 17th is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, is celebrated as such in many countries and is the result of a Quebec-based initiative promoted by Fondation Emergence starting in 2003.

WHEREAS there is reason to support the efforts of Fondation Emergence in holding this day;


It is resolved to proclaim May 17 as INTERNATIONAL DAY AGAINST HOMOPHOBIA AND TRANSPHOBIA and to recognize this day as such.

Dated at Oxford, Nova Scotia

This 17th day of May 2024

Greg Henley,

Mayor, Town of Oxford