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$2400 Non-Repayable E-Commerce Microgrant for NS Businesses

The federal government’s Canada Digital Adoption Program continues to offer a $2,400 non-repayable microgrant to small businesses all across the country. This $2,400 – the details of which can be found below and at– gives businesses an opportunity to build their online and e-commerce presence so that they can expand, create jobs, and fulfill their entrepreneurial potential.


Public Works working on McCormick Street Aug 28, 2023


Message from Public Works:

The Oxford Public Works Team will be doing some more work on McCormick Street this morning.  Signs will be posted.  Please use caution in the area.  Thank you.

Where to go for Health Care

Nova Scotia Health - Where to go for Heatlh Care

If you have an urgent health concern, your first call should be to your primary care provider (doctor or nurse practitioner). If your provider is not available or you do not have one, there are other services ready to help you. There are also programs to help keep you healthy. The primary care and healthy living services available across the province and services in our area (the Northern Region) are listed in the  folder Where to Go for Health Care Pamphlet.


For further information please visit  A copy of the Pamphlet in the PDF above is also available in print at the Town of Oxford Office at 105 Lower Main Street., Oxford.

Mobile Primary Care Clinic, August 26, 2023 8:30AM - 3:30PM


Mobile primary care clinics in Oxford 

When? Wednesday, August 23, 2023 

Nova Scotia Health’s mobile primary care clinic has the following upcoming clinic date: 

Oxford at 111 Medawell St., Oxford
Saturday, Aug. 26 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 

This is a temporary service to provide an appropriate primary care setting for an increased number of people with mild or moderate health concerns. 

This is a drop-in clinic. You will be asked the reason for your visit to ensure we are able to treat your concern.

If we are able to help you, you will be screened for acute viral respiratory infection and given an approximate appointment time. Have your health card and a list of your medications ready upon arrival. Care will be provided using a team approach, which includes nurse practitioners and family physicians. 

This clinic is not a substitute for your primary care provider (doctor or nurse practitioner).  

However, there are times when you may not be able to see your primary care provider, or you do not have a primary care provider. Your patience is greatly appreciated as we aim to provide you the best possible care. 

The clinic can only address non-urgent, low-acuity health issues and is not an emergency service. See a list of the types of concerns below if you are not sure where to go. 

Types of concerns that may be addressed at the mobile primary care clinic include: 

  • Prescription refills or renewals (except for controlled substances)
  • Minor respiratory symptoms
  • Sore throat
  • Earaches
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Rashes
  • Minor gastrointestinal concerns (vomiting and diarrhea)
  • Cough, flu, or cold symptoms
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Muscle pain 


Lab or diagnostic imaging requisitions will not be part of the mobile service. 


Please note other options for care

Do not hesitate to visit an emergency department if you are experiencing an emergency. Anyone with urgent medical needs should call 911.

Nova Scotians who are on the Need a Family Practice Registry may access VirtualCareNS, which provides free, temporary access to primary health care. Visit to register or request a virtual visit. VirtualCareNS is not an emergency service.

For general health advice and information call 811, which is a service offered 24/7 by experienced registered nurses.

The provincial Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Line can also be reached 24/7 by calling 1-888-429-8167.

Additional local resources are available at We will keep communities updated as future dates and additional community locations are determined or if there are changes to the current schedule. 

Additional information can be found at

Mobile Primary Care Clinic 2023

Crosswalk painting - Water & Main Street August 24, 2023


Message from Public Works:  Tomorrow, Thursday August 24, 2023, Pat Rushton from RAMs will be back to touch up the crosswalks prior to school starting back at the main intersection of Water and Main Street.  Please use caution in the area.  Traffic signs will be in place.

Foundry Street water repair Wednesday August 23, 2023 7:30AM


Update as of 9:50 AM Aug 23, 2023: Leak has been repaired and water service has been restored.  Thank you all for your patience!

Notice from Public Works:  The Oxford Public Works team will be repairing a water break on Foundry Street tomorrow, August 23, 2023 starting at 7:30 AM.  The following Civic addresses should anticipate water service interruptions: 308 - 314 Foundry Street.  Traffic signage will be in place.  Please use caution in the area.

River Avenue Work tomorrow, August 22, 2023 - no outages


Notice from Public Works: The Public Works team will be working on River Avenue tomorrow morning, August 22, 2023, starting at 7:30 AM.
No service outages are anticipated during this work. Traffic signs will be in place please use caution in the area.

Birchwood Rd., Water & Sewer Work Wednesday Aug 16 7:30 AM


Update as of 5:00 PM - Public Works has started turning on the water.  Work had progressed better than anticipated.  If your water is at all cloudy, please run your faucet for a few minutes to clear it.  Thank you all for your patience!

Update Status as of 4:10 PM - Public Works is continuing the progress on the sewer and water work on Birchwood Road and all is going well. However, it is taking a bit longer than expected.  Public Works expects the repairs to last another 2 to possibly 3 hours.  An update will be posted as the process is nearing completion.  Thank you for your patience!

Notice from Public Works:  The Oxford Public works team will be doing water and sewer work on Birchwood Road, tomorrow, Wednesday August 16, 2023, starting at 7:30 AM.
Detours will be in place.  There will be expected water service interruptions through out the day.

The following streets should expect interruptions (Birchwood Road, Foundry Street, Handel Street, Station Street and surrounding areas).

Please use caution in the area.