Thank you! from Public Works.
- Published: December 5, 2023
Message from Public Works: The Town of Oxford Public Works team would like to thank the residents of the Town of Oxford for their cooperation during yesterday’s snow event.
This allowed us to complete our snow removal quickly and effectively. Parking on the streets was minimal the basketball nets that needed moved were done so right away.
Thank you everyone!
A message regarding non-flushable products in Oxford
- Published: December 4, 2023
**A reminder from the Town of Oxford regarding non-flushable products in our sewers**
A fun and friendly reminder from the Town of Oxford! If it isn't toilet paper, pee, or poo, please don't flush it!
Everything else – including grease, various hygiene products, and their wrapping, pill bottles, rags, and wipes belong in the trash (or properly recycled as per the sorting guide - available in the Town office or by visiting the Cumberland Joint Services Management Authority website.
These items not only block our sewers but also get caught in our pumps and filters eventually creating more cost for everyone. Thank you.
Pugwash Road water main repair Thursday Nov. 30, 2023
- Published: November 29, 2023
Notice from Public Works:
Tomorrow morning, Thursday, November 30, 2023, the Public Works team will be repairing a water main leak on Pugwash Road starting at 8:00 AM.
Traffic signs will be in place, please use caution in the area.
The following locations will experience water interruptions throughout the day.
Pugwash Road
New Hansford Road
Horton Street
Upper Water Street
Foundry Street
and surrounding areas.
We thank you all for your patience.
Winners of the 2023 Town of Oxford Christmas Parade!
- Published: November 24, 2023
Winners of the 2023 Town of Oxford Christmas Parade!
Best overall: Oxford Frozen Foods
Best Group: Westchester Fire Department
Best Commercial: Home Hardware
Best Theme: Oxford Pharmacy
Public Notice Re: Water Street Sidewalk
- Published: November 24, 2023
Public Notice Re: Water Street Sidewalk – CLOSED for repairs
November 21 the Bridge Commission of the Province closed the sidewalk (right-hand side coming into town) for repairs.
It is anticipated that the sidewalk will be closed for a period of time, the Bridge Commission is not able to provide a timeline for this repair
.A job order has been issued to repair the sidewalk from the corner of Waverly Street to the Water Street bridge (baseball field side). This work has been started.
A job order has been issued to paint a crosswalk at the end of the Water Street bridge and to install Crosswalk signage. This should be done early next week – depends on weather.
Public Works is working on curb cuts to enter/exit the new crosswalk.
We encourage parents that are concerned about their children’s safety to/from school to contact the Town Office (902-447-2170) for a number to call to see their child/children can be bussed.
If you have any suggestions/ideas regarding how to make the walkway on the Water Street Bridge to be safer and more accessible, please contact us, we welcome any ideas.
We apologize for the inconvenience and are working hard to ensure that walking across the Water Street Bridge is safe and accessible to everyone.
December Council Meeting - Date and Time Change
- Published: November 23, 2023
Notice to the Public.
Council has changed the date and time for the next Council meeting for December.
The next Committee of the Whole meeting will be at its regular date and time (Wednesday, December 13 at 6 pm)
The next Council meeting date and time will change to also be on December 13 and it would immediately follow the Committee of the Whole Meeting.
All Council meetings are open to the Public at 105 Lower Main Street and also streamed live to facebook.
The last two meetings we had some technical difficulties with the livestream and hope to have that straightened out by December 13.
Water Street bridge typical pedestrian crossing CLOSED
- Published: November 21, 2023
Message from Public Works: The Bridge Commission of the province of Nova Scotia has closed the walking portion of the Water Street bridge (right-hand side coming into town) due to the need for repairs.
Pedestrians will have to use the opposite side of the bridge to cross until determination of repairs can be made. We thank everyone for their patience.
Sidewalk repairs Wednesday November 22, 2023
- Published: November 21, 2023
Message from Public Works:
Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, the Public Works Team will be doing repairs to the sidewalk on Water Street. Please use caution in the area.
Thank you,