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Employee Appreciation Day 2023


From Oxford Fire: Brush to be burnt Thompson Rd.


From Oxford Fire Department: There is a resident on Thompson Rd. in South Oxford that will be burning a brush pile this afternoon/evening.

The pile is far from houses and down in a field close to the river. The home owner has notified his neighbors already.

Oxford Fire is aware. Thank you.

Winter Weather is approaching - a reminder



A reminder to the residents of the Town of Oxford with the winter snowfall warnings in place to refrain from parking on public roads/streets during a snow event and no parking overnight as per the Winter Snow Clearing and Parking Bylaw 2023-01-17.

Please allow for safe and efficient clearing of Town of Oxford streets.

Thank you.

Town of Oxford Supports Pink Shirt Day

Town of Oxford supports Pink Shirt Day Page 1

Public Works water main repair Crescent Ave Wed. Feb 22/23


UPDATE 2:53 PM - Public Works has the repairs made and the water is back on.  Residents are asked to run their cold water for 10 minutes to allow for sediment to clear from the lines.  Thank you.

UPDATE 2:08 PM - Public works has located the leak and is commencing repairs.

The Oxford Public Works team will be repairing a water main leak on Crescent Avenue tomorrow, Wednesday February 22, 2023 starting at 8:30 AM.  Water services will need to be shut off to repair the leak.  Affected areas will be Sunset Avenue and Crescent Avenue.  Public Works thanks you for your patience and caution when travelling through the area.

February 17 - 2:50 pm - Salting and Ice Removal Commenced

February 17, 2023 - 2:50 pm

Salting Town of Oxford Streets and Sidewalks have begun and will continue through out the evening.

We ask all motorists to refrain from parking on the streets to allow a safe and clean ice removal.

Parking Lots located at the Skate Board Park and the Gazebo will be available for downtown parking.

Stay safe everyone

Town of Oxford Office closing at 2pm Today (Feb 17, 2023)


Due to incoming weather, the Town of Oxford will be closing at 2:00 PM today.

The Town office will reopen again on Tuesday, February 21 at 9:00 AM.

Everyone, have a safe and Happy Heritage / Family Day!

February 20, 2023 - Heritage Day - Office will be closed

The Town Office will be closed for Heritage Day / Family Day on February 20, 2023. However, there are activities!

Family Day 2023