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Town of Oxford citizen Audit Committee Vacancy

town logoAre You Interested in Becoming a Member on a Municipal Committee?

The Audit Committee is looking for a citizen member

Financial background is required for this Committee, and you cannot be related to a member of council or to an employee of the municipality.

The Audit Committee provides advice to council on matters relating to audit and financial reporting and on matters relating to the financial sustainability of the Town of Oxford.

As a member of the Audit Committee, you will help to increase both the reliability and credibility of financial reporting, enhance the independence of external auditors, and influence the overall quality of financial reporting, risk management and ethical behaviours of the Town of Oxford.

Download the  pdf Audit Committee Terms of Reference Policy (126 KB) .

Please submit your letter of interest to Linda Cloney, CAO, Town of Oxford via the following options:

Phone: (902) 447-2624
Mail: Town of Oxford, ATTN: Linda Cloney, 105 Lower Main Street., Box 338., Oxford

New Dream Business Program for NS


Thanks to the support of the Provincial Government, another Dream Business Program is again being offered here in Nova Scotia and this time we are offering the participants a chance at winning a $1000 cash prize upon completion of the program!

The Dream Business Program provides those with a business idea valuable tools and resources to help them figure out their business model. Participants will receive 1:1 coaching opportunities and the ability to share ideas, learn from other entrepreneurs, and become part of the Mashup Community, which provides continued support after the Program's completion.

You can find us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to share any of our posts on your social channels, or if you’d like to reach out to your residents directly, they can find information and register on our website at MASHUP LAB.

Thank you for helping us unleash rural potential by turning dreams into realities!

$2400 Non-Repayable E-Commerce Grant for NS Businesses

Industry, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is offering eligible businesses $2,400 non-repayable grant money to adopt e-commerce strategies and grow digitally. This is part of a $4 billion, 3-year program rolling out across Canada. The main eligibility criteria are that: *You’re a registered for-profit company.*You’re a consumer-facing business, which means that your sales are not exclusively business-to-business (you can still sell B2B, just not ONLY B2B)."


A) You have at least one employee (other than an owner) on payroll, who has been on payroll for at least 3 months when you apply.


B) Your business has generated gross revenue of $30,000 or more during the last 12 months

  • You are committed to growing your business through e-commerce for at least 6 months.
  • You cannot be a franchise, corporate chain, multi-level marketing company, or real estate brokerage

Funds are readily available, and the application process is quite quick. You apply and – assuming you’re eligible – you have a meeting with an e-commerce advisor to discuss what you’d like to do and how you’d like to spend the money, and then move forward from there.

Apply at Digital Main St.

Grow Your Business Online Grant

  • E-commerce Advice & Support
  • Up To $2400 To Buy New E-commerce Tools

grow your business online grant

2023 PVSC Property Assessment Notices

The 2023 Property Assessment Notices were mailed on January 9, 2023.  PVSC Assessors are available to discuss assessments and answer any questions.  Property owners are encouraged to review their Property Assessment Notice fully and contact PVSC if they have questions.

Assessors are available to discuss assessments and answer questions:
phone: 1-800-380-7775

Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. For more information, please visit Property Valuation Services Corporation.

Important things to note

  • The date for homeowners to appeal is February 9, 2023.
  • Assessments are determined by Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC), the independent, not-for-profit assessment authority for Nova Scotia and are based on sales and financial data from the 2021 calendar year, along with the physical state of properties as of December 1, 2022, including new construction, renovations, demolitions, and impacts from Hurricane Fiona.
  • Please see the following link to understand your property assessment notice:  Your Property Assessment Notice | Property Valuation Services Corporation (
  • 2023 Assessment Roll Media Kit - For the 2023 Assessment Roll statistics and annual Assessment Roll highlights package.  Printed copies are also available at the Town of Oxford main office. 

Own property in Nova Scotia?

View your 2023 Property Assessment at

Winter Parking Restrictions Reminder


Winter Parking Restrictions for the Town of Oxford also apply during the daytime when a snow event is imminent or occurring. For everyone's personal and property safety, please avoid parking on Main and side streets during a snow event to allow for timely and sufficient clearing of snow from the travelled portion of the roads, streets, and sidewalks. We thank everyone for their understanding.

Night parking is prohibited during the winter season from November 15th to April 15th so as not to interfere with snow removal operations.

Vehicles will be towed at the owner's expense.

Residents are asked to remove any items that are close to the road that may impede snow removal i.e. basketball nets, piles of fill, lumber, etc...

Snow is not to be pushed into the street by the homeowner or a private contractor while removing snow from a residence or business.

The winter season is coming, and we at the town want to ensure our Public Works department can safely and effectively plow our town streets.

Special Election Announcement

Election Postponed

Town of Oxford Election Office Announcement.

As of 5 pm, December 13, 2022, was the deadline to file Candidate papers to run for the vacant seat on Council. There were a small few interested, but no one formally filed papers therefore Council will need to set a new date for a Special Election. The future date for the upcoming election will be announced as soon it is set by Council.

Nova Scotia Announces Program to Pay for Heat Pumps

Senville Hero heat pump

Residents of Nova Scotia with lower incomes can now apply to get a free heat pump for their homes. The provincial government announced details Tuesday about its four-year, $140-million energy efficiency program Tuesday, December 13, 2022.

With the price of home heating oil and rising inflation have combined to make it especially difficult for Nova Scotians, especially for fixed-income earners.
The criteria for low-income households that can qualify for the funds varies and is based on the number of people living in the home.

Qualification for free heat pumps will be based on after-tax household income as follows: $27,250 per year for one person; $50,635 per year for two to four people; $72,113 per year for five or more people.

Based on the above criteria, residents can apply now to the Home Warming Program for free heat pumps and any electrical panel upgrades that may be required to install them.

Please refer to the CBC Article: Nova Scotia announces programs to pay for heat pumps for low-income households for further information.

COVID-19 Clinic at Oxford Fire Hall Cancelled due to weather

Outreach COVID 19 Vaccine Clinic

Please be advised that due to the weather/driving conditions, the COVID-19 Immunization clinic scheduled for today at the Oxford Fire Hall has been cancelled. The Immunization clinic will be rescheduled in 2023.