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Sidewalk repairs Wednesday November 22, 2023

Flagmanahead 25

Message from Public Works:

Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 22, 2023, the Public Works Team will be doing repairs to the sidewalk on Water Street.  Please use caution in the area.

Thank you,

Pot Hole Patching Now November 21, 2023

**There have been some slight changes to this schedule**


On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, the Public Works team will start pothole patching throughout the town, Please see dates and locations.


Tuesday, November 21st- Main Street and Pugwash Road.

Wednesday, November 22nd- Lower Main Street, Water Street, and Birchwood Road.

Thursday, November 23rd- Side streets throughout town.


We will do our best to capture as many potholes as we can.

Thank you everyone

Additional Water Repair Water Street Nov 15, 2023


Message from Public Works:

The Oxford Public Works team will be repairing an additional water break on Water Street on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, beginning around 7:30 AM.

Water interruptions should be expected in the areas of Waverly Street, Smith Street, Jackson Street, James Street, Ellis Street, and surrounding areas.

There will be a detour in place. Detour signs will be at the corner of Main and Water Streets and the corner of Waverly and Water Streets.

We thank everyone for their patience.

Water repair Waverly Street today, November 14, 2023

Message from Public Works:

The Oxford Public Works team will be repairing an emergency water break on Waverly Street.
Repairs are estimated to begin around 7:30 AM. Waverly Street will be closed from the intersection of Ellis and Waverly and Water and Waverly Streets.

Water interruptions should be expected in the areas of Waverly Street, Ellis Street, Prince William Street, and surrounding areas.

We thank everyone for their patience.

What goes Where? Electronics Recycling

What Goes Where?  Electronic Recycling.  

Recycling Centres for End of Life Electronics can be found on the Recycle my Electronics website -


Electronics November 8 23

Little River Road Water Line Replacement November 6, 2023


Message from Public Works:

Little River Road Water Line Replacement - Monday, November 6, 2023.

On Monday, November 6th the Oxford Public Works team will be installing a new water line on Little River Road. 

Please note that traffic signs will be in place. Please use caution in the area. 

The following civic addresses should expect water interruptions throughout the day. 

6685 Little River Road
6667 Little River Road
6655 Little River Road
6637 Little River Road  

The Oxford Public Works team thanks everyone for their patience while these improvements are being made.

Foundry Street - water break repair - November 2, 2023

Message from Public Works:

The public works team will be repairing a water break on Foundry Street tomorrow, November 03, 2023, starting at 7:30 AM
Traffic signs will be in place. Please use caution in the area. 

Civic addresses of 294 to 14 Foundry Street should expect water service interruptions throughout the day.  Thank you for your patience.

Flagmanahead 25

Transfer Site Attendant and Operator/Labourer Job Description

pdf Transfer Site and Public Works Job Description November 2023 (122 KB)