Accessibility Tools


Oxford Accessibility Expo 2022 Thank you!


The Oxford Accessibility Committee would like to thank all those who attended the first Accessibility Expo held on June 2, 2022, at the Oxford Legion! The committee was very pleased with all the organizations that came out and participated to make the event a huge success! The Oxford Accessibility Committee would like to thank the following organizations for being present either virtually or in person at the June 2, 2022, Accessibility Expo:

The Hon. Tory Rushton, MLA, CANSA, Maggie’s Place, Cumberland YMCA, Kids Help Phone, Canadian Red Cross, NSECDIS, DCS - Employment Assistance, Autism NS, NS Hearing & Speech, Sunset Community, 211, CNIB, The Rick Hansen Foundation, and CCTS.

We would like to thank the Oxford Legion for providing the venue, the Town of Oxford for providing laptops, bottled water, and door prizes for the event, Town of Oxford staff, Linda Cloney, CAO, Stan McDougall and Nick Purdy for everything from assisting in making signage, printing event information, organizing deliveries, and set up at the Legion. Thank you as well to Mark Rushton at Six Rivers News for helping us spread the word about the Expo as well!

The whole Oxford Accessibility committee is to be congratulated for making the event a huge success from planning, setup and tear down. The first-ever Accessibility Expo was a success!

The goal of the Expo and the purpose of the Accessibility Committee is to help to make the Town of Oxford more accessible for our residents and visitors. Your valued input continues even beyond the Accessibility Expo! It’s still not too late to take part in our Accessibility Study Survey for 2022, which will continue to be available until September 30, 2022. Keep in mind that your responses are strictly anonymous! Once again, from the Accessibility Committee and the Town of Oxford, thank you for being part of our Expo and our great town! Go to the Accessibility Study Survey.

Committee of the Whole - June 6, 2022

Oxford Town Council is hosting their regular Committee of the Whole meeting on Monday, June 7 at 6 pm.

This meeting will be streamed live on the Town of Oxford NS: Official Site.

We invite everyone to watch the live stream as our Councillors discuss Town Business.

Accessibility Study Survey 2022


The Town of Oxford wants to be more accessible, and we want your input! How can we be a more accessible Town to our residents and visitors?

You do not need to be an expert on the subject to take part in the survey and we would like to hear from as many residents as possible!

Please note: This survey only pertains to facilities and services within The Town of Oxford. This survey will be available from
June 2, 2002, to September 30, 2022, but the Town of Oxford Accessibility Committee is always happy to hear from you. Contact us at:

Your responses will be kept strictly anonymous. No effort will be made to identify anyone who completes the survey.
At this time, we are seeking the opinions of residents and visitors of the Town of Oxford aged 14 and older. We appreciate your feedback!

Remember that tonight, June 2, 2022, at 6 pm is the Accessibility Expo at the Oxford Legion and everyone is encouraged to come down and take part in learning and shaping accessibility in the Town of Oxford!

Begin the Survey or click the graphic above.

Temporary Event Food Permit Information

Do you or someone you know plan to host an upcoming event? If so, and you plan to have food at the event, you may be required to have a Temporary Event Food Permit.

You will want to get this permit filled out properly and on time to our Public Health Officers.

Contact the Town Office if you need any more information on this.

We encourage everyone to have a safe and healthy summer.


food permit

Oxford Town Council Boundary Survey

Oxford Town Hall

Oxford town Council needs your valuable input by completing our survey!

The topic of this survey is the Oxford Town Council.

You do not need to be an expert on the subject to take part in the survey and we would like to hear from as many residents as possible!

Your responses will be kept strictly anonymous. No effort will be made to identify anyone who completes the survey.

At this time, we are seeking the opinions of residents of the Town of Oxford aged 14 and older. We appreciate your feedback!

This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes.

Begin the survey!

COW and Special Council Meeting May 2 at 6 pm

Come join Council on FaceBook Live as they conduct the Committee of the Whole meeting at 6 pm on Monday, May 2.

Following that meeting, there will be a Special Council Meeting.

The links below are the Council Packages for that night.

History Comes Alive! #1792Project - Proclamation

1792 logo

Whereas January 15, 2022, is the 230th anniversary of 15 ships departing the harbour of Halifax in 1792, and the conditions and causes that led to the exodus of 1,196 self-liberated Black Loyalists were conditions of abject institutionalized racism and that this departure took place at the height of the transatlantic chattel slave trade one of the cruellest chapters in the history of humanity.

Whereas the Town of Oxford recognizes that people of African descent have been a part of Canadian society since the early 1600s and that their enslavement occurred on this land for centuries and that the Black Loyalists' departure is linked to the failure of institutional, political, and societal will to fulfill the promises that were made to the communities that left for Sierra Leone.

Whereas the Town of Oxford is committed to promoting histories such as the 15 Ships to Sierra Leone that often have been left in a vacuum of erasure. The resources provided for well-known monumentation have historically been funded at the expense of those erasures.

Whereas the Town of Oxford continues to recognize the ongoing significance of the UN Decade of African Descent and the importance of recognizing the history of Black Loyalists in Nova Scotia and how all communities in Nova Scotia continue to be affected by the historic rift of the Black community.

Whereas we recognize that secure housing and land were promised to these early settlers and very few received what was owed. Despite petitions (by Thomas Peters) the promised land and supplies were not provided. For many Black Loyalists, shared Mi'kmaq knowledge was key to survival in the first winters. Reparations for injustice is the path forward.

Thereby be it resolved that I, Mayor Gregory Henley declare January 15, 2022, the Day of Black Loyalist Exodus: 15 Ships to Sierra Leone #1792Project and that we mark this year as the 230th anniversary of the 15 Ships to Sierra Leone #1792Project.

Dated at Oxford, Nova ScotiaThis 19th day of April 2022

Gregory Henley Mayor, Town of Oxford

  pdf 2022 01 15 1792 Project (659 KB)

Council Meeting on Tues. April 19 at 6 pm- join us online

Tuesday, April 19 at 6 pm the Oxford Town Council will be holding their Regular Meeting and streaming it live to the Town of Oxford Facebook page.

We welcome everyone to join us online.

Please see attached link to review the pdf Council Package (7.94 MB) .