Accessibility Tools


Starting Monday July 11, 2022! Come on out for a great time!

ball hockey - located at the tennis courts

Mondays and Wednesdays

Located at the Tennis Courts

2:00 pm - 4: 00 pm


Town of Oxford Movement Club 2022

FREE for all ages! Starting Monday, July 11, 2022! Come on out and get your movement on!

Ever thought about being more Active but don't know where to Start?

Town of oxford movement club

Come join us outside the town hall Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 am for a walk/run with peers.

movement club

Transfer Station Summer Hours 2022

opening hours changing

The Town of Oxford would like to remind everyone that the Transfer Station will be open Thursdays starting July 7th until September 1st, 2022, from 11 am to 7 pm!

Second Reading of Bylaw Deed Transfer Tax 02-2018

Notice of Second Reading of the Bylaw to amend the Deed Transfer Tax Bylaw #02-2018

TAKE NOTICE THAT Council of the Town of Oxford intends to consider the adoption (second reading) of the  pdf Bylaw to Amend the Deed Transfer Tax Bylaw #02-2018 (139 KB) at a meeting to be held on Monday, July 11, 2022, at 6:00 p.m. The Special Council Meeting will be held virtually using the Zoom platform and will be broadcast live on Facebook.

The purpose of this bylaw is to establish a revised rate of deed transfer tax to 1.5% for property transferred within the Town of Oxford

Persons wishing to make a presentation, verbally or in writing, may do so at the Council meeting on July 11, 2022, and must pre-register with the Chief Administrative Officer by 4:30 p.m. on July 8, 2022

The Bylaw may be inspected during Town Hall regular office hours at 105 Lower Main Street, Oxford NS.

Linda Cloney
Chief Administrative Officer

Council Meeting - June 20 at 6 pm - Streamed live to Facebook

Come join Council on Monday, June 20 at 6 pm as they hold their Regular Council Meeting and discuss Town Business. This meeting will be streamed live on Facebook.

Download the  pdf Council Package (695 KB) for items of consideration and discussion.

Town of Oxford Surveys


The Town of Oxford has two surveys available online and/or in paper form available.

Both are completely anonymous and both help shape our community!

The first survey is the 2022 Council Boundary Survey and the second is the Accessibility Study Survey.

Please take a moment to complete each survey if you haven't already.

We value your input and appreciate your time!

If you would like a paper copy, please contact us!

Transfer Station Schedule

Town of Oxford Transfer Station Schedule

** New Hours **

Starting July 7, 2022, the Town of Oxford Transfer Station will be open on Thursday from 11 am to 7 pm each week until September 1, 2022, when it will return to normal hours on Thursdays.

Hours will remain the same for Friday’s 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and Saturday’s 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.

Please note: Should the following holidays fall on any of the above days, the Transfer Station will be CLOSED on that day:

  • New Year’s Day,
  • Good Friday,
  • Canada Day,
  • Labour Day,
  • Remembrance Day,
  • Christmas Day,
  • or Boxing Day

WHAT’S ACCEPTED: Recyclables, Scrap Metal, Organics Leaf & Yard Waste Residual Waste.

WHAT’S NOT ACCEPTED: Construction and Demolition Debris - wood, shingles, insulation, building materials, etc. Household Hazardous Waste.

Mow it Forward 2022

Mow it Forward this Summer

  • Are you looking for help with lawn mowing and yard work?
  • Do you do lawn work and have free time to volunteer in our community?
  • Do you know a student looking for work?

The Senior's Safety Coordinator of Cumberland County, Trishe Colman, is looking to add to her list of contacts and get seniors the help they need.

For further information or to be added to the list and be matched with a senior, please call Trishe Colman, Senior's Safety Co-ordinator for Cumberland County at 902.664.4540 or email:

Be sure to check out the Cumberland County Seniors Safety Program on Facebook.  

Is your senior or disabled neighbour's property looking like a jungle?

Lawn mowing can cause undue stress to the body of a senior. The strain caused by pushing and using heavy equipment and walking long distances can put some seniors at serious risk of falls, broken bones, heart attacks and stroke.

A neighbour may need your help and your act of kindness could save a life. Volunteer to help with their lawn mowing as an individual, family, business, or school. Knock on your neighbour's door and spread care and compassion in your community.