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Monday, October 3 - 6 pm - Council holds COW and Special Meeting

Monday, October 3 - Oxford Town Council will be meeting at 6 pm for the regular Committee of the Whole meeting.

Following that meeting Council will host a Special Town Council meeting.

Both of these meetings will be streamed live on Facebook.

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Friday September 30

Reminder to all Oxford residents that municipal services will be closed tomorrow, September 30, 2022, for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. This includes the Transfer Station.

Thank you everyone and have a safe weekend.

2022 09 28 Council Statement

Statement re: Post Tropical Storm Fiona

Oxford Town Council would like to provide the following statement to clarify the misinformation regarding the water service over the past weekend.

Council and staff were surprised that Oxford did not have water. The process is to turn on the generator and water should flow (not at full capacity but flow nonetheless).

The lack of water was baffling for many, as protocol was followed. Staff, Council, the REMO, our local MLA, and the province were investigating our water crisis.

Friday, September 23 - Public Works started the generator at Well 2 and it seemed to be working properly.

Saturday, September 24 - the generator seemed to be working but the water was not flowing as should.

Saturday, September 24 and Sunday, September 25 - With the assistance from REMO and the MLA, contact was made with Nova Scotia Power to make Oxford a priority for electrical repairs.

Sunday, September 25 - Thanks to combined efforts and the cooperation of Nova Scotia Power the electricity was restored, resulting in the Town having full water service. The generator was not repaired at this time.

Monday, September 26 - A service company investigated the generator and discovered a wire had been moved, causing the generator to work with reduced power, in a potential act of vandalism. Public Works stated they did not change the wiring on the generator. At some point between our last storm in February to Friday, September 23, it appears that someone with keys had gained access to the locked building and rewired the generator.

RCMP has been contacted regarding this incident as we need to protect the integrity of our water system. Locks have been changed and other security measures are in place. If you have any information regarding this vandalism, please contact the RCMP 902- 447-2525.

On behalf of Oxford Town Council,
Linda Cloney, CAO
Town of Oxford

Download the  pdf Council Statement. (208 KB)

Policing Services Review Community Meeting Oct 19, 2022

The Community Consultation Meeting is taking place on October 19, 2022, at 6:30 pm at the Capitol Theatre.

Please join us in discussing current policing services in the Town of Oxford.

Hurricane Fiona Disaster Financial Assistance

HURRICANE FIONA/EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICE - Disaster Financial Assistance for Hurricane Fiona Damage

Nova Scotians can apply for disaster financial assistance related to damage from hurricane Fiona starting today, September 26, 2022.

The Province’s Disaster Financial Assistance Program is designed to help Nova Scotians, municipalities, small businesses, and not-for-profit groups get back on their feet after a major storm or natural disaster. Not all disasters are covered by private insurance, and this program helps those whose losses are not insurable.

Types of losses can include structural damage to homes and damage to uninsurable items like basic household goods and appliances, such as washers, dryers and furnaces. The program covers up to $200,000 in uninsurable losses per household, small business and not-for-profit group.

“It’s a stressful time for Nova Scotians as we continue to assess and dig out from the damage caused by hurricane Fiona,” said John Lohr, Minister responsible for the Emergency Management Office. “We’ve got a ways to go before things are back to normal, but this is a step in the right direction.”

For additional information or questions regarding the DFA Program for Hurricane Fiona, please call 211.

Residents are asked to continue to assess the damage, keep all receipts and take pictures and video, as well as work with their insurance companies.
The government continues to post updates on the hurricane recovery effort at:

Quick Facts

Disaster financial assistance does not replace private insurance and only uninsurable damage is eligible
People who are not sure if their insurance covers the damage should contact their insurance broker or company, or the Insurance Bureau of Canada at 1-844-227-5422. 

The disaster financial assistance application includes a form to be filled out by the applicant’s insurance company confirming that insurance was not available for losses.

Go to Disaster Financial Assistance for Hurricane Fiona Damage for more information.

Policing Services Review Community Feedback Survey

Tell us what you think

The Town of Oxford – Policing Services Review Community Feedback Survey 2022 has been developed by the Policing Services Review Committee of Oxford, NS to allow for important feedback from its residents (both homeowners and tenants) on the current policing services.  As this questionnaire is specific to Oxford residents only, we recommend that if you do not live in the community, please refrain from completing this survey.  Your information is kept confidential, and we do not ask for any personal information. The survey will be used in upcoming meetings to help shape any future recommendations on policing services for the Town of Oxford.  We thank you for your time in completing this survey!  The survey will also be available in paper format at the Oxford Town Office and at the Oxford Library.

Town of Bursary - for NSCC Students

NSCC Student Awards

For Students attending the NSCC, this Town of Oxford Bursary is now open till October 19, 2022. Don't miss out, be sure to apply.

Town of Oxford Bursary

Open to full and part-time students enrolled in any year of study in any program offered at the Cumberland Campus.

Students must demonstrate

  • Financial need
  • Leadership in the community through extra-curricular activities and/or volunteerism
  • Good academic standing
  • Preference will be given to residents of the Town of Oxford

About the donor

NSCC is pleased to offer this award on behalf of the Town of Oxford.


2@ $1,250



Supplemental Questions

1. For this award, preference will be given to applicants who are residents of the town of Oxford. Please indicate if you meet this preferred eligibility requirement.

2. Community Involvement Essay

To support your application, you have been asked to complete this essay question. While there is no minimum length, we would ask that you answer all parts of the question fully to the best of your ability, in paragraph or point form.

Provide a summary of your participation in extra-curricular activities and/or volunteer work and/or community involvement. Please include the names of organizations, the time periods in which you were involved, and a description of your duties for each activity.

Council Meeting Postponed to September 27 at 6 pm

Oxford Town Council Meeting is postponed to Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at 6 pm.

This meeting will be livestreamed to Facebook and open to everyone to view.

A link to the Council Package will be added to this post at a later time today.