Walk-and-wheel study for the Town of Oxford Session April 17
- Published: March 11, 2024
**Please note the new location**
How would you make a walk-and-wheelable Oxford?
Please come and share your experience walking and wheeling around the Town of Oxford and tell us how you would improve streets and trails for active travel
When? Wednesday, April 17, at 6:00 PM.
**NEW ** Where? Oxford Fire Hall - 115 Waverly Street., Oxford.
What is this event about?
At this event, members of the PEACH Research Unit of Dalhousie University will share results from an ongoing walk-and-wheel study for the Town of Oxford and are asking residents for your help and input!
Who is PEACH?
The Planning for Equity, Accessibility, and Community Health Research Unit studies ways to enhance communities to be more active and inclusive. Our research is based on the expertise of peoples' lived experiences.