Proclamation - Amyloidosis Awareness Month - March 2025
- Published: March 12, 2025
WHEREAS March is pdf Amyloidosis Awareness Month (66 KB) , a month dedicated to raising awareness, funding research, and supporting those living with amyloidosis and their loved ones; and
WHEREAS Amyloidosis is a group of diseases that occurs when an abnormal protein, known as amyloid, builds up in the tissues and organs of the body. Left untreated, the disease can result in organ
failure and can be fatal; and
WHEREAS Amyloidosis can mimic the signs and symptoms of more common medical conditions, and the disease can be challenging to diagnose; and
WHEREAS Amyloidosis often affects people who are older or middle aged, younger people have also been diagnosed with this disease; and
WHEREAS Some of the signs and symptoms of amyloidosis can include shortness of breath, weight loss, fatigue, swelling in the ankles and legs, numbness in the hands and feet, foamy urine, carpal tunnel syndrome, bruising around the eyes, and an enlarged tongue; and
WHEREAS Early diagnosis can lead to better outcomes for both patients and their families; and
WHEREAS Raising awareness about all the amyloidosis diseases, including hereditary and non-hereditary forms of the disease, can contribute to the building of healthier communities across Canada.
BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, that I, Greg Henley, Mayor of the Town of Oxford, proclaim March 2025 as Amyloidosis Awareness Month in the Town of Oxford.
Dated at Oxford, Nova Scotia
This 10th day of March 2025